Monday, October 27, 2014

This time, this year - Low income housing by VMWP

This year, another multi-family building rises amidst a very suburban context (East Bay). Thanks for the opportunity, VMWP.

Around this time last year - realistic interpretation of thesis

A physical representation at last - Suburban Gentrification calls for vertical circulation, increased density, and "ghost houses" - relics of the past - sturdy, contemporary public use follies replacing outdated single family homes.

Pedestrian walkway hub.

Layered walkways introduce vertical public circulation, in an otherwise flat context with little social interaction.

Public courtyard replaces former green belt, separating two suburban neighborhoods.

 Site Aerial of developed buildings on foreclosed suburban lots.

Ghost House - sturdy, contemporary public use follies replacing outdated single family homes.

Around this time in 2010 - studies for redevelopment of foreclosed suburban lots

Around this time four years ago, creativity was hard at work, producing sketches, ideas, drawings, conceptual development and growth plans. Thank you Academy of Art University for requiring I document this process.